Monthly Archives: December 2012

DiEMoNdEyE Collection


The DiEmoNdeye paragon overpowers the attention of all that are in its rare untamed presence, its bestows the wearer with a higher intelligence belief instilled by the gods of genius. ORDER NOW ORDER NOW ORDER NOW

OG Wolf Pack Collection


“Never turn your back on the Wolfpack… I was alone first in the pack and then Hulk 100Gran joined in later, then the Hulk introduced me to the insiders Scott Ball and Kevin Cash and I thought, wait a second,

Polar Freeze Collection


The polar freeze kills though, one blow from it’s venomous frozen paw N’ it gives them lock jaw, Colder than dem b#tches in Alaska or Mt. Shasta in the polar freeze you’ll smash bruh. POLAR FREEZE SWEATSHIRT ORDER NOW  

Megalodon Shark Collection


The undisputed king of the sea, the megalodon tee allows the wearer to effortlessly out shark the competition. Megalodon Tank Top ORDER NOW The Megalodon Shark T-Shirt ORDER NOW The Megalodon Crew Sweatshirt ORDER NOW Megalodon Headphones ORDER NOW The

Megalodon Snapback


Not only was Megalodon the biggest shark that ever lived; it was the biggest predatory marine creature in the history of the planet, outweighing both modern Great White Sharks and ancient reptiles like Liopleurodon, Kronosaurus and even the great T-Rex.